
Ogólne => Podatki => Wątek zaczęty przez: Magda w 22 Kwi 2007, 17:00:34

Tytuł: Zapomoga dla polskich studentow
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Magda w 22 Kwi 2007, 17:00:34

pozwolilam sobie zalozyc nowy temat gdyz jestem tutaj pierwszy raz. Jestem studentem w Danii od siedmiu miesiecy. Moje pytanie jest nastepujace, czy jest mozliwosc otrzymania w Danii przez studentow zagranicznych stupendium socjalnego badz zapomogi? wiem,ze studenci dunscy otzrymuja 4000dkk miesiecznie.
Jezeli ktos jest zorientowany w powyzszym temacie bylabym wdzieczna za jakiekolwiek wskazowki.

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Tytuł: O:Zapomoga dla polskich studentow
Wiadomość wysłana przez: GoTTie w 22 Kwi 2007, 17:24:14
To o czym mowisz nazywa sie SU i wynosi ok 4700 DKK miesiecznie. Owszem przysluguje studentom z Polski, ale sa bardzo restrykcyjne przepisy jesli chodzi o jego otrzymanie. Na www.su.dk mozna przeczytac o szczegolach. Wiem m.in. ze trzeba albo miec obywatelstwo lub meza dunczyka itp. albo pracowac w danii przez min 2 lata na pelnym kontrakcje (37.5h tygodniowo) Procedury sa ciezkie ale mozliwe ze ci przysluguje. Osobiscie nie znam zadnego polaka ktory otrzymal  SU.
Tytuł: O:Zapomoga dla polskich studentow
Wiadomość wysłana przez: GoTTie w 25 Kwi 2007, 14:20:52
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Equal Status according to Danish Rules Equal Status according to EU Rules

Equal Status according to Danish Rules
If you are a foreign citizen, you may be given equal status according to Danish rules and apply for Danish state educational support for a study programme in Denmark if you fulfil one of the following conditions:
The Danish Integration Act

You can be given equal status if you are covered by the Danish Act on the Integration of Foreigners in Denmark (the Danish Integration Act).
You have come to Denmark together with your parents

You can be given equal status if you moved to Denmark together with your parents before you attained the age of 20. It is a condition that your family is still residing in Denmark - Denmark must be the place of permanent residence for you and your parents.
You are married to a Danish citizen

You can be given equal status if you have lived continuously in Denmark for at least two years immediately prior to the time of application and have at the same time been married to or lived with a Danish citizen as your registered partner for at least two years. It is a condition that you are still married or living in a registered partnership at the time of application.
You have been working

You can be given equal status if immediately before starting the study programme for which you are applying for state educational support you have lived in Denmark continuously for at least two years and have had at least 30 hours of paid work every week. Paid work means that, having a valid work permit, you have had either an ordinary job and received ordinary pay for the purposes of labour law, or have worked as a self-employed trader. An au pair stay is not regarded as paid work as you do not have a work permit as an au pair but only a residence permit for temporary residence as an au pair.

If you did not have paid work for an uninterrupted period or if you did not have paid work until immediately before starting the study programme, you may still be given equal status if the intermediate periods were

    * of a total duration of not more than three months,
    * periods of unemployment registered with the Employment Service,
    * periods of a duration not exceeding three months used for adult vocational training, language school and similar educational activities,
    * periods of illness or
    * used for doing your national service

Periods of a total of one year are comparable with paid work if, in connection with birth or adoption, you have looked after your own child, according to the rules applicable on the labour market.
You have resided in Denmark

You may be given equal status if immediately before the time of application you have lived in Denmark continuously for at least five years and you did not reside in Denmark with the purpose of education.
You are from South Schleswig

You can be given equal status if you are a German citizen but belong to the Danish minority in South Schleswig. You must be able to document your affiliation with Denmark. You can do so e.g. by documenting attendance at the Duborgskolen in Flensborg.
You are an Icelandic citizen and have resided in Denmark since 1946

 You can be given equal status if you are an Icelandic citizen and were residing in Denmark on 6 March 1946, or within the last ten years prior to such date.
Leaving Denmark

If you have been given equal status according to the Danish rules, please note that the equal status will lapse if you leave Denmark after 30 April 2006 for a continuous period of more than two years.

lub wg. prawa EU

Equal Status according to EU Rules

As a foreign citizen you may be given a status equal to that of Danish citizens (for the purposes of applying for Danish state educational support) if you fulfil one or more of the conditions under EU law. If you are given equal status under EU law, you can apply for Danish state educational support for study programmes in Denmark as well as abroad. In order to fulfil the conditions under EU law, you must be a citizen of the EU or the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or a family member of a citizen of the EU or the EEA. Citizens of Switzerland are given equal status according to the same rules. You must fulfil one or more of the following conditions:
You are working or have been working in Denmark

You can be given equal status if you:

    * are a citizen of the EU or the EEA and are a worker or a self-employed trader in Denmark.
    * are a citizen of the EU or the EEA and have been a worker or a self-employed trader in Denmark. There must be a content-related and time-related connection between your work in Denmark and the study programme.
    * are a citizen of the EU or the EEA and have been a worker or a self-employed trader in Denmark, but due to health matters or structural conditions on the labour market need retraining as a consequence of involuntary unemployment.

You must have a residence permit as a worker or a self-employed trader. If you have a studying permit, you cannot receive Danish state educational support until you have been in Denmark for five years - see the bottom of this page.
You are the child of a citizen of the EU or the EEA

You can be given equal status if you are a resident of Denmark and are the child of a citizen of the EU or the EEA who is or has been a worker or a self-employed trader in Denmark. You are living or have lived in Denmark together with the parent who is a worker in Denmark, while this parent was a worker in Denmark. It is, however, a condition that importance can reasonably be attached to your parents\' situation in relation to your age or independent status.
You can be given equal status if you are not a resident of Denmark, but are the child of a citizen of the EU or the EEA who is a worker or a self-employed trader in Denmark and who provides for you until the start of the study programme.
You are the spouse of a citizen of the EU or the EEA

You can be given equal status if you are married to or live in a registered partnership with a citizen of the EU or the EEA who is a worker or a self-employed trader in Denmark. You must live or have lived with the citizen of the EU or the EEA while she/he was a worker in Denmark.
You are the parent of a citizen of the EU or the EEA

You can be given equal status if you are the parent of a citizen of the EU or the EEA who is a worker or a self-employed trader in Denmark. You must live or have lived with the citizen of the EU or the EEA while she/he is/was a worker in Denmark. You must be provided for by the citizen of the EU or the EEA.
You have lived in Denmark for five years

You can be given equal status if you are a citizen of the EU or the EEA or a family member of a citizen of the EU or the EEA and have lived continuously in Denmark for at least five years.

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